除了 to personal items to make your room feel like a home away from home, we encourage students to review this list when they are packing to come to campus: 给校园带来什么.
We also suggest students contact their roommate to discuss sharing larger items, 比如冰箱或电视.
St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学 is a residential campus with 75 percent of its student population living on campus. Campus housing can accommodate approximately 1,625 students.
Yes, there are single occupancy rooms depending on availability. Single rooms are available to upperclassmen that choose to live in Devereux and Francis Hall.
Incoming first year and transfer students receive a 住房 Survey and Preference Form typically in early June. On this form, students can indicate a specific roommate they want to live with. A student also has an option to select a random roommate. If
一个学生随机选择一个室友, they will answer a series a personality and lifestyle preferences and along with their academic major, 他们会被分配一个室友. 我什么时候才能知道我的房间分配?
Room assignments will be mailed out in early August. If you do not receive a room assignment in the mail please, contact us at (716) 375-2512.
Resident Assistants (RA) are upperclassmen (sophomore, 初级, senior or graduate students) who are hired by the Office of Residence Life to serve in leadership roles in the residence halls. Each residence hall has an RA assigned to each floor. 的
RAs work to create a sense of community within the residence halls through programming, 帮助有需要的学生, 执行校园政策.
Residence Directors (RD) supervise the RAs in the buildings they oversee. 除了监管监管机构之外, RDs also oversee the day-to-day operations of the residence halls by acting as a liaison to the maintenance staff to report maintenance
problems; working with the Ministers-In-Residence program; and enforcing University and Residence Hall regulations.
的 standard University mattress is an extra-long twin that measures 36-by-80 inches. For extra comfort, students may want to bring foam egg crates or mattress covers.
May I bring a microwave oven and a refrigerator?
Students may bring one refrigerator per student but it must not exceed 4.5立方英尺. 然而,微波炉是不允许的. Microwave ovens are available in residence hall lounges for student use.
Students are permitted to hang tasteful items on the walls of their room. However, they cannot cover more than 10 percent of the wall space (per state fire codes). 墙上不能有洞. 我们建议用粘性粘土来挂东西.
- 蜡烛
- 烤箱
- 三明治烤架
- 空调
- 宠物
- 木制阁楼
- 烹饪设备
- 电煎锅
- 热板
- 卤素灯
- 圣诞灯
- 烤面包机
- 微波炉
- 加热器
- 香
- 延长线(使用电源线)
- 窗帘
Each residence hall has a laundry area equipped with coin-free washers and dryers available for student use 24 hours a day.